The very image of manhood

Oh Caleb. Frankly, I am not the world’s greatest example of an “Aussie man” myself, so I arguably shouldn’t be criticising him for not being one either… but fuck him, he’s Caleb Bond, the obnoxious cunt deserves all the beating you can give him. He has even less right than me to present himself as an “Aussie man”, this freak who was born at the age of 40, this joke that got out of hands years ago and went on too long past its punchline, a joke that he himself will evidently never get. I mean, I perhaps overstate my own failures as a person sometimes, but at least I’m aware that they exist. And I know I’m still less of a piece of shit than Caleb Bond. And what’s he so outraged about? This guy:

This is Michael Sneesby, an executive from Channel 9 who was fronting some parliamentary enquiry or other while conspicuously not wearing a tie. And Lord love a duck but OH how Caleb got the vapours when he saw this:

A tie signifies not just authority. It shows respect and attention to detail.
Any old bugger can chuck on a white shirt and a navy suit. When you introduce a tie or a pocket square you have to take some time to think about colours, patterns and matching your clothes.
Accessories convey personality. And while the tieless suit may have started as a mark of nonconformity – you’re not like other bosses – it’s now so common that it is essentially the most pedestrian thing you could do.
Standards have slipped. You can do what you want – and yet everyone does the same thing, just in a different form.
Some argue that’s a good thing because it means we’ve become more egalitarian and interested in function over form.
I think it’s a sign of decay. A man who can’t wear a tie with his suit screams laziness – or perhaps that he’s on his way to court and he’s busted out the one suit he owns for all occasions.

But THIS turd promoting himself as a serious thinker is a sign of a healthy society?

Apparently this is what giving thought to his daily drag looks like to Caleb, a not particularly attractive suit that serves him about as poorly as that beard does. Still, at least it’s good to see he still has his finger on the pulse when it comes to the REAL problems facing Australia, namely things that might’ve been a faux pas in 1924 but in 2024 no one gives a fuck about; one day he might be able to parlay that keen observation of his into a job at a real media outlet…

Author: James R.

The idiot who owns and runs this site. He does not actually look like Jon Pertwee.

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