Important images 47

One very slight bit of nudity, which is so slight it’s hardly worth mentioning but I feel that if I don’t mention it then one of the MILLIONS* of people who visit my blog on a daily basis will shit their pants when they see it and complain to me about not giving them fair warning that there’s a couple of slightly exposed nipples.

*possibly an exaggeration

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Important images 45

ALL-NUDE EDITION! Yes, normally I let the random function of Irfan View (my image viewer of choice) pick the selections for each post in this series, but for a change I decided to make this edition a themed one; still let Irfan pick the pictures, but I went specifically for the nudie ones rather than the usual mixed bag. So be advised that it’s all varying degrees of undressed in both photographic and illustrated form from this point…

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Important images 44

Some of these are quite timely, cos yesterday marked the birthday of Charlie Chaplin, who famously satirised our other birthday boy Adolf H. in The Great Dictator; also, I now know “Jehan Sylvius” was actually one Ernest de Gengenbach, who was one of the more interesting characters considered in that Patrick Lepetit book I read recently. I’d never heard of him before but he was evidently one of the more intriguing and thoroughly odd people to have been tied to the surrealists.

Also, there’s some nudity herein. And quite a few cats.

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