The return of the ICG podcast!?

It’s 15 years today since The Cerebro-Vascular Accident. To mark the occasion of me somehow not dying on June 9 2009, I have for some reason decided to reanimate my music podcast… I actually first attempted such a thing about ten years ago, and started the Inanimate Carbon God one in 2016 as a semi-regular thing, produced 83 episodes of the thing until 2021 which is fairly impressive for me… then rebranded it and tried presenting it more like the radio show I used to do with voice links and a theme I’d bodgied together, and tried to make it regular too… but I soon found writing and recording a back-announcing script was a layer of production I could no longer be arsed with, so that was that. ICG redux, therefore, is going back to its roots of 15 songs per episode (or however many comes closest to an hour) with none of that fancy vocal stuff from me. And probably only semi-regular again. Here’s the playlist for the first one, which you can hear via the widget thing above.

    1. Chrome, Danger Zone
    2. The Adverts, On the Roof
    3. Flowers, Sister
    4. Xmal Deutschland, Augen-Blick
    5. Iggy Pop, China Girl
    6. Public Image Limited, Memories (single version)
    7. Joy Division, Heart and Soul
    8. Gang of Four, Capital (It Fails Us Now)
    9. O.A., Great White Hope
    10. Echo & The Bunnymen, No Dark Things
    11. The Lines, Background
    12. The Saints, New Centre of the Universe
    13. Joe Jackson, Got the Time
    14. The Damned, I Believe the Impossible
    15. MX-80 Sound, Someday You’ll Be King

Author: James R.

The idiot who owns and runs this site. He does not actually look like Jon Pertwee.

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